On a cloudy day, exactly at noon, the following transpires. THE DAUGHTER of INDRA stands on the topmost CLOUD, looking down at MAPUTO.
The Daughter
Humans must be pitied.
The Voice
Indeed they should be.
So what is the next step?
JORGE stands on a cloud underneath that of The Daughter, looking up to her, while she looks down to him.
The Daughter
Who are you? What are you doing here?
The Voice
He is harmless, looks more dangerous than he actually is. These type of specimens can only look around here, but not interact with this realm. Do not get bothered by such a low presence, for you are a child of heaven. It is his honour to be in our presence.
The Daughter
You are from the Earth?
Yes, I am, from Maputo to be exact.
The Voice
Forgive me, his presence is due to my invitation.
Okay, it’s that kind of a dream, right?
The Voice
This is not a play.
Sure, but why do you want me here? It’s clear that I don’t belong here. And my name is not ‘August’.
The Daughter
It isn’t ‘Strindberg’ either.
The Voice
Such matters are not relevant now. You are here to report to us directly, my daughter will observe so that she can learn.
I feel like I should charge for this.
The Voice
Greed is not part of your character.
The Daughter
He’s joking father, one does not bargain about one’s duty.
The Voice
Yes, well, I am not amused.
I’ll send an invoice later.
The Voice
We do not exchange through monetary means in this realm, you should know that.
You will think of something.
The Voice
Impudent brat..
The Daughter
— Father!
That was quick, I am just joking, please, no disrespect intended.
The Voice
That’s better. Now, let me tell you why you are here. You know something I do not.
The Daughter
What mortal holds more wisdom than you father?
That’s a good question, what’s up pops?
The Voice
Silence! You should call me Majesty.
That’s funny.
The Voice
I am not joking.
I’m also not kidding.
The Voice
The Daughter
I am not good with the authority thing.
The Voice
You have a lack of self knowledge, oh Jorge of Maputo. Look around, your city is in chaos, your country is a hive of poverty, scum and villainy. You have come now to a point where you have acted against the local authority. You may believe that you have a rebellious nature, but you are just another member of the herd waiting for a leader. Without one you will let the wicked amongst you steal the land of your ancestors.

That’s harsh, what can I do by myself? And I should remind you that there was a fourteen year long civil war, people have tried.
The Voice
But you are not alone, and you know that. Why did your people not protest sooner?
I do not speak for a whole country. And you are not all-seeing and all-knowing, apparently. Many have tried to protest but were beaten down violently by authorities.
The Voice
In this place you do speak for a whole country, for that’s why I brought you before my daughter.
The Daughter
I see now, you have pleased me, father. Jorge of Maputo will answer my questions.
The cloud on which The Daughter stands lowers towards Jorge, so that she can get a closer look at him.
The Voice
Fear not, my child, he is of no danger to you.
What’s that supposed to mean?
The Daughter
Long have I bothered my father with curiosities about the woes of mankind. I even lived a few lifetimes on Earth, and learned that men must be pitied. I saw no solution to all the suffering. Do you have one, Jorge? Will you answer?
You people still talk like that? These are modern times, you should try to keep up.
The Daughter
Insolence indeed, father.
The two clouds are now floating next to each other, as is the wish of the father.
The Voice
We must endure, daughter.
I do not worship gods. You who brought me here should know that. And if I had, I’m sure that I would never have become wise enough to be in your presence.
The Voice
That is correct, but do not overestimate your wisdom.
The Daughter
Are you as insulting to your rulers as you are to us?
The Voice
He is an artist.
The Daughter
Sure, then he must have a free mind. Are you a bohemian who lives outside of the established order?
Not a bohemian, not a rapper, not a DJ, not a dancer, not a cineaste, nor a pushover.
The Daughter
But surely you have a big mouth, did you address the inequities of your society in your work?
I did, and still do. Am I on trial?
The Voice
That is not what I have said.
The Daughter
Let me speak with him father. His ways are too crude for you. I will sacrifice my time to deal with him so you do not have to.
The Voice
The depth of your patience pleases me, daughter.
The Daughter
Thank you, father.
The Daughter
Is there no end to your sarcasm?
Of course not. So, what do you want from me? I can’t change a country by myself, nor would I want to.
The Voice
You would not change the situation in your country?
What I mean to say is that I wouldn’t do it just by myself.
The Voice
Then you must articulate yourself more thoughtfully.
(Towards the daughter)
Is he always like this?
The Voice
He is all yours, daughter.
The Daughter
I do not understand why mankind struggles so much with itself.
It’s our nature.

The Daughter
In your city the wealthy are afraid of the poor, but they have created them.
I wouldn’t say that, it’s not that simple.
The Daughter
Then explain it to me.
We are social creatures, within such a mechanism it is advantageous to dominate others. One individual can assure its survival and well being if others spend their time and energy to fulfil the desires of that one individual. Accumulation of resources and social power is of a great benefit if you can converge them to a single person. In that way one person can do things that nobody else can, one can live like a god.
The Daughter
But often they bring suffering, the ones they love are poisoned by the very wealth they enjoy. Will you agree with me when I say that they must dedicate their lives to the greater good?
It’s not that simple. The ones that are dominated take some kind of advantage out of that because they oppress others. There is a chain of domination that runs through society, and it’s not really controllable. You can create rules and regulations, but some will find cracks in the systems to then exploit them. The greater good only works if some of them can get rich out of it. In this country the regime can get rich of natural resources, thus bypassing the need for an economy. They just skipped it, no need for a greater good when you are in control.
The Daughter
I do not understand.
The Daughter
Why have the wealthy not learned to not prey on the poor?
These are not the proper questions for me. You should ask your father, he’s a god. You guys should know.
The Daughter
But we don’t, that’s a problem for me.
I say that because the situation in Mozambique after the elections of 2024 is not unique. Let’s see, what do you know about the country?
The Daughter
A hundred and twenty years have passed since I last been to Earth. So much happened in that time, I could not bear to absorb it all, for I had learned about the pain and torture that is everyday life, and the sheer memory of this planet you call home sunk me into a depression.
Living on Earth left you scarred. You experienced trauma.
The Daughter
Humans seem to be trapped in a wheel of struggle and strife. As my father said, this world rolls and turns, because of it the ones on it may become dizzy, foolish and even mad.
Yes, so you already know?
The Daughter
What do any of us know?
Another question I cannot answer. But let me then tell you about an universal mechanism within human society. We have known this longer than we want to remember, here goes.
The Daughter
Men must be pitied.
Yes, that is so.
A city, a nation, ruled by a benevolent elite, is that not the ideal? I ask because I don’t know. But anyway, that is how Mozambique became independent. We had a father of the nation, he spoke well, and managed to spark something into the people. Was it a flame of hope for a better future? His name was known all over and feared in far away places, and in some places that were close too.
The Daughter
I know, father has shown me. The old oppressors had been replaced by new oppressors. These people are still in control.
Yes, but listen. Whenever a small group takes possession of a state, it will, over time, try to maintain its control over the property. They will start seeing themselves as the natural proprietors of state assets, going so far as to assign incompetent family members to relevant governmental or corporate posts.
The Daughter
And by doing so removing all virtue from their souls.
They don’t care about that.
The Daughter
Truly you are lost then.
I don’t speak for them.
The Daughter
Quit being so sensitive and serve me properly.
Serve? I’m sooo gonna charge double up in here.
The Daughter
Speak sense!
Again, this the twenty-first century, keep up.
The Daughter
Well, I have made a promise, and so I will excuse your ways, Jorge of Maputo.
You’re saying my name like it’s an insult.
The Daughter
Proceed with your teachings, oh wise one.
Hey, sarcasm is my thing right now.
The Daughter
Five seconds of uncomfortable silence emerges.
The Daughter
I blame your parents for this behaviour. Anyway..
The Daughter
Oligarchs and their minions will make the common people believe that freedom is the greatest good. Even if they are poor, their parents were poor, their neighbours are poor, and their friends too, they still believe one day they will become rich like their idols. The situation develops into one in which the poor want what the rich have, and the rich fear the poor.
The Daughter
Which is what you have now.
As your father implied, the people allow anyone to rule as long as it is their champion. The danger is, obviously, that corruption poisons him too and the people’s fake freedom will turn into a real tyranny.
The Daughter
Then, what would be the remedy?
The clouds on which Jorge and The Daughter stand on start moving, descending to a lower altitude so that the city is clearly visible to them.
The Daughter
Father, are you doing that?
The Voice
Yes, I am.
The descent goes further, to a specific area in the city called ‘Museu’.
Are you taking me home?
The Voice
I am taking you to the centre point of attention now, the constitutional council.
The Daughter
It is in a place such as these that we will find the better amongst you.
I wish that was true, but no, corruption has taken hold of the whole government. It is now in these places that we may find the worst amongst us. And if we speak up, well, you do that at your own risk.
The Daughter
Have other countries not responded to the situation?
Yes, they did, but it’s not enough. For now it is the foreign influence that helps to keeps the local mafia in place.
The Daughter
It can’t be so that all their power is based outside the borders.
You are right, there’s more going on. They have a monopoly of violence, just like any government, but they use it against the people, literally. The police shoots real bullets and tear gas at peaceful protestors. They control peoples careers, so if you step out of line there will be dear consequences. Many have lost their job or never had a chance because they did not accept the fascist ways.
The Daughter
Surely the lack of economic growth has made them unpopular?
That doesn’t matter because they have some form of cash flow. That keeps the regime in place. They don’t have to share the wealth, only use it to maintain position.
The Daughter
Such groups often use their coercive mechanisms to eliminate alternatives.
Yes, even if you speak of alternatives you may catch a bullet.
The Daughter
Were is your pride? You should fight them with all you have!
Fight them with what? Nobody wants another civil war. This time we need to fight them with politics.
The Daughter
What does that mean?
We have to tell ourselves a different story. We have to find a new way to relate to each other. This country is not what we thought it was. Have we been living a lie for over fifty years? The illusion of independence is now brought forward. We are still under the control of fascist oligarchs who exploit the poorest, most disadvantaged people in the world.
The Daughter
As father said.

Everything changes, The Daughter and Jorge stand no longer on clouds in the sky but now stand on a sunny beach of KATEMBE. They can see Maputo in the distance on the other side of the bay. There is no one else on the beach, it is a quiet afternoon.
That was your dad again?
The Daughter
Yes. What place is this?
The Daughter closes her eyes and puts her hands in front of them, to block the rays of the sun.
Welcome to paradise, not exactly like heaven, hey?
The Daughter
Are you mocking me?
I wouldn’t dare to make fun of a daughter of heaven.
The Daughter
Liar, you already have when we were up in the heavens.
The Daughter keeps her hands just above her eyes.
The Daughter
Why does the sun burn me? What torment is this?
The Daughter and Jorge move upwards towards the sky, as two clouds appear below their feet and carry them back.
The Voice
I’m sorry, these things sometimes just skip my mind, go on.
The Daughter regains her disposition, she’s now looking down at the beach from her personal cloud. Jorge appears next to her on his own cloud, directed by her father. The two move along the coast in the direction of the city.
You guys live like this?
The Daughter
What is that?

The two clouds pass by a piece land right next to the beach. The clouds stay hovering above it, allowing the two to observe. There is a CABIN on the terrain, in front of its entrance sits a FAMILY OF FOUR who are sharing a meal.
That is the house of a family.
The Daughter
It is so small and simple, I wouldn’t even call it a shed. Do all of them live in there?
Yes, and I believe they have captured the fish themselves.
The Daughter
Such natural beauty I have seldom seen, it is as if they have the beach for themselves, always. Such richness most can only dream of, for even the best cooks cannot spice a fish to be as delicious as a fresh caught one. Where in the city everything seems to be wonderful, nobody is satisfied. While here there seems to be harmony, where the family is all that matters. Still I pity them.
A CAR approaches via the beach. It stops right next to the piece of land of the family. TWO MEN and A LADY step out. They walk towards the family.
Pay attention!
The Daughter
Oh my.
The daughter and son leave immediately, hiding themselves in the cabin. The mother packs as much of the PLATES and KITCHEN UTENSILS as she can to hide it in the cabin. She is remarkably fast, and before the trio arrives at the spot she has already entered the cabin. Now only the father stands before the cabin, where the trio confronts him with their presence.
Your pity is correct, though not all humans deserve it.
The Daughter
What are they doing?
I think that the terrain is property of that woman. The two men are just there two assist her.
The Daughter
How do you know?
Their body language reveals a great deal. That family is there to keep it occupied, clean, and they can live off the terrain.
The Daughter
Is that all?
The clouds start moving again, upwards at first, creating a vast distance between the family they were looking at and the clouds they are standing on. Then downwards again, towards a place inland, but still not too far from the coast. The two clouds and their two passengers stop to hover above a LARGE HOUSE on a LARGE TERRAIN. VARIOUS FAMILIES AND THEIR FIRENDS are present there, and it is a moment of celebration and joy.
Oh wauw, that must be a wedding.
The Daughter
Such an atmosphere makes me want to join. If I lived there during my days on Earth I may have never left.
I see, well, your father wants you to understand how complex a human society is.
The Daughter
The Daughter points at one of the servants in one of KITCHENS.
That man we have just seen with his family?
The Daughter
The fisherman indeed.
This confirms what I said, look!
Jorge points at ONE OF THE LADIES who sits comfortably next to a SWIMMING POOL while she has a GLASS OF RED WINE in her hand.
The Daughter
That’s the woman in the car, I see.
The differences of wealth could not be larger than what we see here before us.
The Daughter
I understand, father, bring us back.
The Voice
There is one more thing.
The clouds move at speed towards the centre of the city, where a LARGE BRONZE STATUE OF A STANDING MAN is located at the middle of a a CITY SQUARE. The man looks down an avenue, and points up to the sky. The statue represents the first president of Mozambique. The two clouds hover before to the face of the statue, looking directly to his eyes.

‘Neo’, acrylic on canvas, 90×160 cm, 2019.
The Daughter
Was he the first tyrant?
Not everybody speaks well of him. He’s very popular with the people because he’s the great liberator. At least, that’s how we’re supposed to look at him.
The Daughter
We know.
A terrible man once said that it is not relevant who’s voting for who or what, but what is relevant is who’s counting the votes.
The Daughter
If you surface dwellers would clean your mind and get organized you would see it for yourself. Blessed are all of you with a third eye and a crown jewel. Many species throughout the cosmos are jealous of you because of that. Humans, all of you, can perceive beyond space and time, but you refuse to even believe it’s real.
You’ve got to give them some time, it’s not easy to deal with these reality layers. Why are you guys so obsessed with that anyway?
The Daughter
When a child plays in a garden it may absorb the geometry of the flowers, fascinated by its colour and form, concentrated because of its beauty. Through drawing it will process higher dimensional calculus in ways the parents might not understand. What can be done by any god? You have everything at your disposal.
You can’t just blame the parents for that.
The Daughter
You must listen more carefully, Jorge of Maputo.
Why do you not teach people? Do they have to worship you before you decide to help?
The Daughter
There’s only so much we can do from up here.
Jorge and The Daughter look towards the CATHEDRAL located on the same square. The two clouds rise again but now to a height on which we can see all of Maputo, the bay, and Katembe.
What about your people? How do you organize politics?
The Daughter
Such matters do not concern you.
Yea, I know, just a mortal and what not. I’m serious, listen —
The Daughter
I am.
Yes, but you should listen. Look, see, the ideal, as I think of it, was to create a technocracy with the name of Mozambique.
The Daughter
As father said, that is popular, yes, go on.
Hhmmm, similar to Chile, it is one that marginalizes voices, even when they mass protest.
The Daughter
I see where you are going, so then I must ask you the following question.
The Daughter
Is it right to let the ignorant decide over important matters that require expertise knowledge and experience?
Your question is a trap.
The Daughter
Indeed it is, for a good reason.
So, the government should aggressively correct the people and the social order? Even if it takes on grotesque forms?
The Daughter
Will humans ever be satisfied? The wealthiest amongst you are the most hungry, while the poor have no choice but to be humble. Even if all is wonderful, humans will find some trouble, or some reason to complain. It even seems that it functions as entertaining to you.
The Daughter
Not you specifically, I am addressing your role as representative.
Okay, let’s put it like this. Experts should decide over laws and regulations, sure. A benevolent dictator is better that a democratic elected tyrant, sure. People have a tendency to self sabotage and need to be protected against themselves, sure. But —
The Daughter
— Before you continue, let me state the obvious, just to evade your sarcasm. You think that the technocratic elite of your country lacks legitimacy and long-term public support.
That is the general public opinion, yes. Which is a perfect situation for populist opposition. The public is fed up with an unaccountable elite governing in their own interests.
The Daughter
Jorge of Maputo, it is difficult to imagine a technical order on a land that is as corrupt as yours. Have not all countries been through a similar phase?
I don’t believe that it all will turn out fine just because I believe it will. No, we have to act, we have to do something.
The Daughter
And so, you do believe that action has consequences, and that the future is to be created, right?
The Daughter
So, what problem cannot be overcome?

‘The gods must be crazy’, acrylic on canvas, 90×160 cm, 2019.
The two clouds continue to rise, up to the point where we can see all of the Mozambique Channel and the coast.
The Voice
You are to be informed, Jorge of Maputo, that we have decided to intervene.
Excuse me, you are sticking your divine nose into our business?
The Voice
In a proverbial manner, because we have to.
The Daughter
It has already begun. Father is trying to convince me to join.
The Voice
And this time I will be by your side, daughter.
The Daughter
You cannot protect me from their nature, father.
How would that work? What will you do?
The Voice
The situation in your country is indeed not unique, Jorge of Maputo. Unlike your kind, we think long and curvy thoughts, spanning over time that you cannot fathom.
No comment.
The Voice
We will send ‘them’ all of their crises at once so that they will be overwhelmed. Their true nature will be exposed as they lack the hands necessary to close all the holes.
But that is on a global scale, what will you do with Mozambique?
The Voice
Various members of our organization have descended into human form, they will do what they are allowed to do.
Who made those rules?
The Voice
You should learn to remedy your ignorance.
The Daughter
(Laughs at Jorge)
Okay, I deserve that, sure.
The Daughter
You amuse me, Jorge of Maputo.
Jorge’s cloud begins to descend while the cloud of The Daughter does not move.
Oh, euhm, wait, wait!
The cloud stops moving, now Jorge hovers below The Daughter, looking up to her.
I have a question.
The Voice
How do you know when you have done enough? We fear for our lives, the lives of our family and friends too. They have the weapons, the money, are organized like a military, and they have the media too. What can we do?
The Daughter
Let me answer, father.
The cloud on which Jorge stands on starts moving again, slowly this time, upwards towards The Daughter’s cloud.
The Daughter
The gods have many forms, but they cannot go beyond what Brahma created. Similar to space, time is limited, it is a corridor in a maze, not a sea under a boat.
Hhmm, yes, I get that. But —
The Daughter
I know I didn’t really answer your question. Just be ready to contribute when the time comes. You will know.
The Voice
We have endured enough, daughter.
Me too, thanks though.
The Daughter
And yet, father, I still am not convinced.
Jorge smiles at The Daughter, who bursts out in laughter.
The Voice